"Love does not behave rudely." 1 Corinthians 13:5
This week as I was attempting to pull a stubborn shopping cart from its corral in our grocery store entryway, I heard a familiar voice behind me. Someone I knew was speaking to me. As I turned to confirm who it was, I quickly realized this person had no intention of stopping. They merely kept their pace, speaking a few friendly words in my direction and then quickly disappeared into the grocery store. I didn't even get a chance to say hello...or good bye for that matter. In fact, they flew by so quickly I have no idea what they even said to me. I just smiled and nervously laughed, pretending I understood what they said.
Afterward, I thought how sad it is that people don't take time anymore to stop and enjoy each other's company. It seems in our modern-day world of emailing, texting, and voice mail that personal, one-on-one conversations are becoming a lost art. Now don't get me wrong, I certainly don't expect folks to sit and gab with me for 20 minutes in the grocery store, for I realize we all have things to do and places to go. But it's not good when we feel we can't stop for a mere 60 seconds to politely greet one another. 60 seconds to say, 'You're important enough for me to stop what I'm doing and converse with you.' 60 seconds to say, 'I care more about you than getting my bagels and cream cheese.'
But please be assured, I have no ill feelings towards the individual who passed me by that evening, for I am equally guilty of doing the very same thing. I too at times have felt it more important to get my deli order filled than to stop and chat with someone. I too have felt that a quick, fly-by-greeting is sufficient enough when I'm 'in a hurry'. But I'm beginning to realize how much I am missing out on when doing that. I am missing out on God's blessings and the beauty of having relationship with those people He puts in my path. More important, I am exhibiting rudeness to those I pass by.
So that evening at the grocery store I purposed to be more sensitive to the leading of God's Spirit and stop to greet people when I see them out in public. And sure enough, the next day I had opportunity to put this conviction into practice. On my morning walk with the Lord, I ran into one of our elderly neighbors. My first thought was to merely wave and keep on walking, after all this was MY time. But after my grocery store experience I felt it necessary to stop and say hello, so I did. And you know what? It was nice. Nothing miraculous, but nice. 60 seconds to let my neighbor know that she was important to me. 60 seconds to let her know I cared about her. 60 seconds to extend the love of Christ to someone.
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