"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own under-standing." Proverbs 3:5
My husband and I recently put our home up for sale. Oh, we don't have any specific plans in mind, just seeing if the Lord would have us make some changes in these challenging economic times. Well as you can imagine, this decision led our 10 year old to begin asking a flurry of questions. "Will our new home be in the country or the city? Will we live in a house or an apartment? How big will my room be? Can I bring my toy horse collection with me?"
You see, our oldest daughter is a planner. She likes all her ducks in a row, knowing all the details of when, where, and how things are going to play out. And most of the time I can give her answers to these questions, but not this time. For I do not know what lay in store for our family. So with great empathy I looked into her turmoiled eyes and said, "Honey, I realize this is difficult for you and that there are aspects of this situation that you will not be able to understand. You're just going to have to trust that mom and dad love you very much and will take care of you."
'You're just going to have to trust...' No sooner were those words off my lips did the Lord use them to pierce my own heart. For apparently I too had some questions and insecurities about the future. Are we going somewhere, Lord? What are you doing in our lives? Is it all going to be okay? My words to our daughter about trusting reminded me that just as she cannot understand what the future holds, neither can I. And just as our daughter needs to trust her parents, I too need to trust my Heavenly Father.
I then turned to our younger daughter and said, "Honey, do you have any questions or concerns about mom and dad putting the house up for sale?" "No, not really," she replied, "Actually sounds like fun!"
Now there was a different perspective! I replayed her words over again in my mind...'actually sounds like fun'. And as I did, I pictured the Lord lovingly winking at me saying, "Sherrie, do you think you could ever get to a place in your life where you think completely letting go of control 'sounds like fun'?
I didn't answer Him right away. In fact, I'm still pondering it.
Don't you just love it (or sometimes not) when the Lord parallels our parenting journey with our walk with Him! What perspective that provides. I've been praying for you all and that the Lord would guide you in His perfect way. Even if it means staying put.
ReplyDeleteThank you Melissa! Your prayers are greatly appreciated (especially the 'staying put' part!).