"And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai." Genesis 16:2b
Sarai had waited long enough to have a baby (or so she thought). It had been 10 years since God promised her and her husband, Abram a child. Yet here it was a decade later, and she still remained barren. So in her desperation, Sarai did what any normal wife would do...she talked with her husband about the situation. Problem was, Sarai didn't just talk. Sarah controlled. She used calculated words that would convince her husband it was time to take action. Time to fix the problem. Time to take the bull by the horns and bring about the changes she so desperately wanted. As a result, Abram 'heeded the voice of Sarai' and agreed to take Hagar, her handmaid as his concubine. Hagar would conceive the promised child in Sarai’s stead.
Sarai’s plan came to fruition, but not without great cost. For God never intended Sarai to take matters into her own hands. He desired her to prayerfully wait on His timing. Unfortunately those involved suffered grievous consequences from Sarai’s lack of faith and controlling words to her husband.
We as wives have tremendous influence over our husbands decisions, and this is not to be taken lightly. Our words carry great power with these men who love us so dearly. Do you have a situation in your life that is troubling you, something you would like to see changed? And does that change require your husband’s leading or cooperation? If so, be careful with your words. Make sure your heart and motives are right with God before opening your mouth. I know Sarai wished she had.
Sometimes we wives are FULL of ideas but that doesn't make them from the Lord. I have to catch myself and make sure I'm not stepping out to accomplish something just because I want some 'action' in our lives. Action does NOT equal progress.